
Tomotaka Takahashi

Here is a small biography about Tomotaka Takahashi, the creator of Evolta's robot. He born on March 27, 1975. Is a Japanese roboticist. After completed a degree in sociology, he started his studies in robotic. He said that his inspiration was Astroboy (a Japanese cartoon about a robot that looks like a kid).

Takahashi likes to built small-humanoid robots, because they are easier to handle, and pople has more realistic expectations about them.

He founded Robo-Garage in April, 2003, and he is the CEO of the company.

Some of the robots he has built are Chroino, Tachikoma, FT, MANOI PF1, and Evolta.

Actually, He works as a Research Associaate Professor of the University of Tokio and Visiting Professor of Fukiyama University and Osaka Electro Communication University.

waziwazi website published an interview with him. Here is the link

Evolta Robot

A few days ago I went to a local supermarket. On the battery display, something got my attention. I saw a small figure inside each Panasonic battery bundle. I took one packet and looked carefully at the small robot-like toy. I recognized it. It was Panasonic Evolta batteries's mascot. The small robot, also called Evolta, was designed by Tomotaka Takahashi, a famous roboticist in Japan, and it has been used for Evolta batteries publicity in Japan. Evolta robot has gone through a series of challenges to show the endurence of Evolta Alkaline AA batteries.

The first challenge took place in Grand Canyon on May 2008. The small robot helped by a rope had to climb a 530m cliff. It took three attempts to achieve the goal. The first try was on May 22, but a mechanical problem cause the robot couldn't complete the task. On May 23, the ascent had to be stopped due to rough weather. Finally, on May 24, the robot reach the top of the cliff in 6 hour and 46 minutes, and the Guinness World Record recognized Evolta batteries as the Largest lasting AA Alkaline battery in a wide range of devices.